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An Integrated Model for bracing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education

The research topic that I am interested in is as follows;
An Integrated Model for bracing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
The reason I have selected this topic is because I find that innovation, entrepreneurship and higher education have largely followed separate paths such that each developed independent of the other. Therefore, I aim to find the following through my research:
(a) A better understanding of how innovation and entrepreneurship nurtured are developed in universities in New Zealand
(b) Identify the key drivers of this emerging interest in innovation and entrepreneurship within higher education and why creativity remains on the margins even when the academic legitimacy of innovation and entrepreneurship increases
(c) Develop a more integrated model that could better coordinate the differentiated activities of not only innovation and entrepreneurship units but also those of faculties so that there is greater mutual reinforcement and shared responsibilities that could optimize the social impact of higher education academic activities and those of innovation and entrepreneurship units.
(d) Identify the gaps and any root causes within universities/ faculty activities, innovation hubs, and entrepreneurship centers and provide recommendations for improvement.