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Application of Research in Clinical Settings

Please focuses on grammar and spellingsTask summary Assessment Task 3Students will be expected to complete a modified ethics application template (provided on moodle), completing each section as you work through the online modules which are related to each section of the application. Word limit is 2000 words.Purpose: To develop skills in preparing an ethics application for a proposed research project.: Using the topic that was chosen in the first assessment task (literature review), students will need to create a proposed research project with an associated data collection tool / survey and fill in all the sections of the ethics application document. Each of the sections contained in the ethics application document will be discussed in the modules on moodle (refer to Moodle for detailed description of each section).Marking Criteria: Refer to Appendix II for specific details required for successful completion of task.Weighting: 40%Time Allocation: Approximately 10 hoursSubmission: Complete each section of the electronic ethics application document, once complete up load the document into moodle. Ensure you save the document as follows:Assessor: This task will be assessed by course academics and external examiners.Feedback/Mark: Summative feedback and mark via Moodle no later than 4 weeks from the submission date.Task detailsFull details for each assessment, including marking criteria, are available in the course descriptor.ReferencingThis course requires all referencing of assessment tasks to be formatted in the American Psychological Association [APA] style. These should be no more than seven (7) years old unless of historical significance and/or of specific relevance to the topic. These references must be a mixture of books and refereed journals or Library database sources. Dictionaries or Wikipedia are not considered a primary reference and therefore will not be counted in the reference count. Direct quotes, citations, appendices or reference lists are not counted in the word limit. Direct quotes must be limited to no more than 50 words. For assistance with this and other academic supports, please refer to the library website for more information: