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Applied issue in cultural and social psychology

Write a (approximately) 2000 word research proposal on some topic in social or cultural psychology. This proposal will include a review of relevant empirical research (including a minimum of 8 different empirical research articles relevant to the issue), an overview of your methodology (including participant recruitment, materials, and procedure), your expected results, and a discussion of limitations and directions for future research, theory, or application. You have two general options for this proposal: 1. Basic research: An experiment (laboratory or field), quasi-experiment, or correlational study. This research will test a theory or hypothesis (e.g., the negative-state relief model), with the aim of resolving some disputed issue in the social/cultural psychology literature or to address a gap in our knowledge. 2. Applied research: This proposal will apply our basic knowledge of social/cultural psychology to a social problem (e.g., reducing alcohol problems on campus). You will still need to review relevant empirical research, design the programme, identify your participants, describe how you would evaluate the outcome, and discuss limitations and future directions.