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Briefly detail the example and then analyze the rhetorical situation using the information in Chapter Two of Everyone’s an Author.

This essay assignment asks you to expand on what you completed in the Week Two discussion Writing for Social Media. First, make a list of all the writing that you remember doing in the last week (or two). Be sure to include everything from texting and tweeting to more formal academic or work-related writing. Then, choose at least TWO examples that strike you as quite different from one another (ideally, these would be from different media) and write an analysis of the rhetorical situation you faced for each one, drawing upon the guidelines in this chapter. Note that these don’t have to be from social media. You don’t need to send me the list, but submit the analyses woven together as an essay, with the following parts: You will need an introduction that–along with being a good introduction–defines “rhetorical situation” and makes the general argument that you are already an experienced writer who frequently practices this skill in a number of academic and non-academic settings. You will need at least one full body paragraph for each example. Briefly detail the example and then analyze the rhetorical situation using the information in Chapter Two of Everyone’s an Author. Complete your essay with a conclusion paragraph. While I realize that I haven’t told you what to do from sentence to sentence, this is partly a test of how much you already know about writing. If you stop to think about it, you will realize that you know a great deal. Of course, this essay is partly diagnostic.