Cooper and Lesser (2015) state, From a human rights perspective, assessments of individuals and families should include an awareness of their basic human rights Assessments should be expanded past the presenting problem into the realm of shelter, information, food, employment, legal, community, medical, cultural, and political realities in their lives (p. 45). You may be skilled at conducting assessments that lead to a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis. Are you also acquainted with the practice of incorporating psychosocial issues into a clients assessment? A psychosocial assessment differs from a DSMdiagnosis in a number of ways, but especially with regard to the collection of considerably more personal history and detailed information about psychosocial issues. Treatment planning, especially for social workers, requires a lot of attention to psychosocial issues. For this weeks Application Assignment, you apply your skills in assessment, as well as this weeks Learning Resources on psychosocial issues, to complete a psychosocial assessment of Dan, the subject of the case example, The Case of Dan: An Example of the Stages of Change the Beginning, located in the Cooper and Lesser (2015) course text as noted in this weeks Learning Resources. The Assignment (34 pages): Using the case, The Case of Dan: An Example of the Stages of Change the Beginning, and A Psychosocial Model Outline located in the Cooper and Lesser (2015) course text as noted in the Learning Resources, construct a psychosocial assessment of Dan. Please note: It is not necessary to include any psychosocial assessment components described in the model that are unfamiliar to you. Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to the Learning Resources, citing all references in APA format.