React to one quality improvement measure that was lacking or failed in the article’s case (Mr. Q), and compare and contrast it with Lewis. How could that issue have been avoided? How does the issue of quality relate to the patient safety assessment previously learned and discussed in this previous assignment? You should explore how these concepts are addressed and their implications as a competency necessary for the baccalaureate nurse. The focus of this assignment is a critical appraisal of the interaction of patient safety, quality of care, and communication and collaboration. The essay should not exceed two body pages. Remember that the focus of a reflection is a critical appraisal of how your views on nursing have evolved through a learning process, as in your baccalaureate education. This short essay should reflect on your insight and how integration of the concepts of the Baccalaureate Essentials relates to quality and safety and your new role. See material below to assist with writing reflections. This will be your first reflection assignment in this course. Please review the links below about how to write a quality reflection and what elements should be included. Remember that a reflection is NOT a summary. If you write a summary, you will be asked to redo with a penalty. Reflective writing is what makes your ePortfolio come alive and be meaningful because it describes what you learned and what that means to you. It looks much deeper into a subject as to the significance of the item. Reflection Essay ResourcesLinks to an external site.)Links to an external E-Portfolio Reflection (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Reflective Writing Handout (Auburn University) Actions How to write a reflective essay (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Reflective Essay example (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Please view the attached rubric to ensure that you have all of the elements included. Your reflection should be in APA format with a title page, then the body. Usually 2 pages of the body will sufficiently cover your thoughts. If you need three pages, that is fine and there will not be a point deduction. If you exceed 3 body pages, there will be a deduction. If you use any references, please be sure and cite these appropriately. Generally reflections do not have references since it is your thoughts and not scholarly work.