Your task is to demonstrate the process of problem solving in a creative manner. This task will require a significant effort on your part. You will need to work independently, with minimum instruction to demonstrate competency in learning. The Task- Scenario Planning You are to select a complex problem in your organization/business and provide three (3) versions of potential solution to the problem. This is called Scenario problem solving. You are to document and discuss, with the help of your text book, internet and other resources. The final output should be: A written report specifically identifying three (3) separate scenarios of an organizational/business problem solving in a creative manner. critically evaluate problem solving strategies to address an organizational/business problem. Students are free to choose an organizational/business problem. It can be something in the workplace, community, services rendered by a company, a companys supply chain process, tourism, the design of a mall, etc. The report should be: Table of contents Introduction: Introduction should cover the overview of the organization chosen, overview of the problem, purpose of the report, a clear explanation of the problem, its context and include pertinent issues and constraints. Analysis of the Problem: The process of selection of your problem, why is the problem significant, critical evaluation of the problem using the methodological approaches to problem solving that have been covered in class. Creative Ideas for Problem Solving: Explain your creative way to solve the problem (brainstorming, methods of thinking), provide the three scenarios, justify why they are an appropriate solution and how they would be implemented including measures for addressing the challenges that your solution will pose. Conclusion: Synthesize the ideas in your report into a clear and coherent conclusion recapping all the pertinent aspects of your chosen problem and its solution. References (APA Style) It is the expected that you will engage at a graduate student level, with your intelligence, intellect, and display creativity in this task.