Dialogue Assignment Guidelines Dialogue Exercise: Remember, this assignment needs to be at least a paragraph long, but no longer than one page. Be sure to use MLA format. Find a place with lots of people talking. Record (type) a conversation. You cannot be a part of the conversation. No fiction, except for the names in the conversation. You cannot be a part of the essay or intrude into the conversation. The purpose is to practice point of view. Be a FLY on the WALL. Your audience is your instructor and classmates (audience should not be aware of the writer in the paragraph). No formal introduction or conclusion. Describe the characters and the mood of the conversation. Describe the characters actions. Describe setting where the conversation is taking place and other necessary details that will help your audience envision this conversation. Indent with each change in speaker. Do not put long paragraphs (several sentences) into one quote. Refer to pages 101 and 103-104 for examples and uses of quotation marks. Keep in paragraph form. It does NOT need to resemble a play.