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Describe why this study should be done. Is there a gap in current research? Is it an emerging topic in your field?

It would be great if you can send me topic you are going to research so I can feel comfortable about the topic. I am flexible with reference so you can choose how many you like to have.The instructions are below The topic proposal should include the following: Title of the project- Keep in mind this may change as you progress through the project but this serves as a starting point for where you want your study to go. Consider it a working title and try not to exceed 12 words. (APA manual, p. 23) Purpose of the project- This is where you will discuss your reasoning for wanting to complete a study on a particular topic of interest. Be very clear and articulate in this section of the proposal. Study relevance- Describe why this study should be done. Is there a gap in current research? Is it an emerging topic in your field? Please include statistics whenever possible for support. Description of the study- Here you will need to clearly explain your study. What is the general theme and scope of your project? Is it a problem to be investigated, an issue to be explored, an argument to be defended, are you hoping to do some sort of process improvement? This section should be the bulk of your independent study proposal. The proposal document should be a minimum of 1 page submitted to the appropriate dropbox.