Require two parts of a syndicate research paper to be completed. I have attached 3 samples of previous papers and our mid point submission paper as well. Applied Business Project: I am required to complete the application of subjects content and the integration of subjects content. 1) Application of subjects – 6 Subjects Application of Subjects [7 pages-15%] Show how viewing your issue and solution through frameworks/models/theories of 6 selected PGDip subjects has added value to your project FMA Marketing Micro Macro Ops HBP Application of theory, tools and frameworks from a minimum of 6 core courses from the PGDip programme (15 %) All six courses are appropriately applied and exceptionally well-integrated. Fairly equal consideration given to the six subjects. At least two theories, tools and/or frameworks from each of the six core courses are appropriately selected for the chosen issue/ opportunity. Theories/tools/frameworks are well articulated and correctly applied to the chosen issue/ opportunity in a value adding way. 2) Subject Integration [5 pages- 20%] Illustrate how aspects of 6 chosen PGDip subjects integrate to add insight into the problem formulation, research and/or solution presented in the project Six courses are correctly applied and exceptionally well-integrated. At least two concepts, theories, and tools and/or frameworks from each of the three subjects applied with great insight to the problem and solution in a real value adding beyond the obvious. Effective demonstration of key learning taking place through the application of theory to a real-world problem/opportunity. Agree on 6 subjects Create diagram How the diagram was constructed How the diagram works How the diagram can be applied to the problem Diagram showing integration of 6 subjects (10%) Diagram shows depth of academic thinking across three selected subjects and an insightful ability to integrate across subjects. It has clear relevance to the problem and/or solution. Diagram is innovative, non-obvious and creative in design. A systemic view has been adopted and well executed. Usefulness of diagram to stakeholders is evident. There is not an over or under supply of variables. Discussion of integration of 6 subjects and effect of each variable on system (10%) It is clear how the diagram was formulated and how it could be applied. How its use would add great value to either understanding the problem or the solution is specified. How the variables affect each other and are integrated is accurately discussed in an applied and interesting way. .