Read the editors’ background to Aristotle and his text Poetics, sections 1-15 (95-112). In addition, finish reading Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex (33-end), and review the editors’ background to Plato and the assigned excerpts from Ion, Republic, Books II, III, VII, and X (43-89). Then, in a response of at least 600 words, address the following questions:
First, discuss Socrates’s attitude toward poetry in both Plato’s Ion and Republic.
Next, compare and contrast Aristotle’s attitude toward poetry in his text Poetics with that of Socrates.
In Poetics, Aristotle explicitly mentions Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex several times. Is Aristotle’s characterization of this tragic play positive or negative overall? Explain your response.
Finally, based on your reading of both Plato’s texts and Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex, do you think that Socrates would or would not allow Oedipus Rex to be performed in his ideal republic? Explain your response.
For full credit, please support your claims with
at least four direct quotations, one or more from each text, that is, Plato’s Ion, Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Poetics, and Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex (from the authors’ texts themselves, not from the editors’ introductions) as well as
analysis/interpretation of these quotations.
Remember that you must correctly cite any print or web source that you quote or paraphrase. This includes the textbook. Submitting the words or ideas of someone else without proper citation is considered plagiarism.
Assignment Objective:
The goal of RR assignments is to practice reading texts closely, writing frequently, and brainstorming ideas in preparation for class discussions, the midterm, the final, and formal essays. Since the reading responses are exercises in free-writing, I will not correct grammatical, syntactical, mechanical, spelling, or formatting errors.
Your RR submission will receive full credit (100 points) if it is
1. Turned in on time. Since Canvas and the campus Internet connection can sometimes be slow, please leave yourself ample time to submit the RR. Late RRs may receive partial credit; however, once I have graded a set of RRs, the assignment will be closed to any further submission. Please do not email late RRs to me since I only grade submissions that have been submitted to Canvas and checked for plagiarism by Turnitin.
2. At least 600 words in length. Any response less than 600 words will not receive full credit. (Use your word count tool to ensure you meet the minimum-length requirement.)
3. Responding to the prompt. Read the prompt closely since any RR that does not respond to the specific prompt will not receive full credit.
4. Written in your own words. Any submission containing plagiarism will receive partial or no credit.
Make sure to correctly quote and cite any ideas, phrases, or sentences that are not your own. To cite a quotation, include the author’s last name (if not obvious from the context) and page number(s) in parentheses at the end of the quotation. For specific rules for quoting and citing sources, see MLA_8_QuickGuide.pdfPreview the document and WorksCited_Sample.pdfPreview the document. In order to format your paper according to MLA guidelines using Microsoft Word, you may also consult the following website: (Links to an external site.). You may also consult Purdue OWL’s online MLA Formatting and Style Guide.
Sample Works Cited Entry for a Work in an Anthology:
Mulvey, Laura. Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. The Norton
Anthology of Theory and Criticism. 3rd ed., edited by Vincent B.
Leitch, et al., Norton, 2018, pp. 1952-1965