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Discuss why and how the concept of CQ is relevant to me and my future personal and career goals.

Jorunal format entry should be at least 550 words. The journal entry will focus on CQ assessment report. Review CQ report and answer the following questions. * Discuss why and how the concept of CQ is relevant to me and my future personal and career goals. * Based on my CQ assessment results and my personal reflection, discuss my strengths and growth areas in each of the four CQ dimensions (CQ drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Strategy, CQ Action). *How has my understanding of Cultural Intelligence and the realities of interacting across cultures changed solar during this course? * Discuss the ways I will seek to increase my CQ in the next 4 weeks as we finish this course? What about over the next year? *How is Culture Intelligence an essential part of the processor becoming a disciple and of making disciples who follow Christ locally (against the backdrop of American Christian culture) and globally (in places where they have never heard the name Jesus)? Remember to work in journal format