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How does Ogden Publications benefit from using integrated marketing communications?

Write a brief (2 paragraph) discussion answer to the question. I am including a little information about Ogden Publication.
Ogden Publications, a publisher of a variety of magazines, uses integrated marketing communications to coordinate and achieve consistency across all aspects of its marketing efforts. Ogden’s marketing department consisting of a circulation team, a creative services team, a merchandise and events team, and a public relations team searches for ways to collaborate more effectively with each editorial team so that there is consistency of key brand imagery and marketing messages across the company’s various magazines, websites, and marketing materials. The circulation team is responsible for managing overall readership by using touch points such as direct mail, magazine insert cards, email campaigns, and newsstands. The merchandise and events team is charged with developing new products and identifying new events to attend. The creative services team provides creative development for marketing as well as the rest of the company. The PR team is responsible for gaining media exposure for Ogden. The overall message across Ogden’s various magazines is that Ogden provides “cool information that is relevant.”

At Ogden Publications, the marketing department and its teams collaborate with the various editorial teams in order to produce Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) that are beneficial for the company.