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Identify potential risks associated with implementation of this system, both in terms of technical concerns as well as business concerns.

The following is the research project for ISM 200: Management Information Systems. This is an individual project and covers key material discussed in this course. This project has four components, due in Units 2, 4, 5, 6. Each is explained below.

Through this research project, you will:
1) Research information systems used by specific business/industry for strategic or operational purposes
2) Construct a model of the information systems, assessing the business value gained, the necessary components, and the methods for connecting the business to consumers or other businesses.
3) Identify potential risks associated with implementation of this system, both in terms of technical concerns as well as business concerns.

Assignment Overview
In this course, you will examine the benefits of implementing information systems to support business strategic and operational initiatives. You will gain an understanding of core foundations of information systems: software, hardware, networks, databases, and the personnel required to ensure successful implementation of these systems. You will also gain an understanding of the inherent risks associated with implementing information systems for both businesses and consumers.

For this project, you will conduct research to identify a software solution for a specific industry. You may begin with the industry, such as healthcare, and then identify the system, or you may begin with a type of solution, such as a Supply Chain Management System, and then identify the type of business in which it is used. The solution you select must support more than one function within an organization. For example, it would be acceptable to identify a Human Resource Enterprise solution, focusing on the numerous modules for which this can comprise. Individual solutions, such as payroll solution, are too narrow of the purpose of this project. You should use all resources available to you as you begin this search. You should choose an industry in which you have some personal experience with the business, such as healthcare, retail markets such as groceries.

Once you have identified the solution and industry, conduct research about why a business would implement this type of solution. You are expected to identify three (3) to five (5) strategies that this solution would support within that industry. These should be strategies and not tactical actions. Here are examples of each from the healthcare industry. An example of a strategy would be to Create a seamless integration between all healthcare providers and the patient to ensure patient information is available at the right time, the right place, and for the right purpose. An example of a tactical plan would be to automate the medical record. A strategy brings focus to the initiative; a tactical plan is one component that enables the initiative.

Unit 5 Research Project Implementation
Identify the approach you would use to acquire (purchase or lease) and implement the system (outsource or insource). Identify the potential risks associated with the chosen approach for both the acquisition and the implementation of this system. Identify any laws and regulations that will need to be addressed when the system is implemented. Document this information in a brief paper. Be sure to cite relevant course materials and at least two relevant scholarly or professional journal articles written in the last 5 years to support the content of this paper. The use of our online Deets Library is strongly encouraged.