Leadership development entails “enhancing the capacity of teams and organizations to engage successfully inleadership tasks” (Day, Harrison, & Halpin, 2009, p. 299) and is inextricably linked with leadership theory. In thisassignment, you will have the opportunity to explore one domain of leader and leadership development: leaderenactment, which is defined as “the behaviors of an individual or group as they engage in leader roles orleadership process” (Dugan, 2017, p. 13). You should conduct an informational interview with two highereducation leaders. Each interviewee must have worked professionally in student affairs & higher education forat least 5 years post-master’s degree. Each interview should be in person or via Zoom/Skype/GoogleHangout/Facetime and must elicit responses to the following interview questions; however, you may askadditional questions. You should write down general responses to these questions to assist you in developingyour paper.After you have completed your interview, you will then submit a 4 – 5-page paper (not including the appendix ofyour interview protocol) that integrates the following:• Provide a brief overview of what you learned during the interviews.• Highlight any themes which develop during the course of the interview, as well as any areas ofagreement and disagreements between the interviews.• How are their viewpoints similar to, and different from, your own? (Compare your perspectives andexperiences as a student/administrator).• How did the information you learned from interview echo, expand, or challenge what you’ve beenexposed to in this class?• What are lingering ideas or questions that you have after hearing from these administrators?As the questions reflect, I’m asking you to refrain from simply asking your interview protocol questions, writingdown the answers, and calling it a “paper”; analyze what you have learned from the interview and connect tothe class readings or other extant literature as appropriate. Be sure to include pertinent quotes whereappropriate, but don’t make the whole paper a giant quotation. Be prepared to share the highlights of thepaper in class.Please see the attached interview document.please relate interview answers to technical term from sources.