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Leadership and Role Development for Practice Excellence

Advance Nursing Interdisciplinary Leadership and Role Development for Practice Excellence The topic to develop is from the List of Indicators NDNQI Nursing-Sensitive Indicators Nursing-sensitive indicators reflect the structure, process, and patient outcomes of nursing care. My topic is : Nursing Hours per Patient Day – Structure Registered Nurses (RN) Hours per Patient Day There are some articles to use as references, yet if any other is seen while you develop the body of the paper that is with in the last five years The guidelines are as follow Introduction Identifies nursing-sensitive indicator (why is the indicator important; uses startling statistics and dire consequences; follows chain of logic). (one Page or less) Incorporates brief summary of why the problem exists and its impact on the organization. Introduces pay for performance as a solution. You can use the text book Quantrum leadership 5th edition Identifies a purpose statement for the presentation. BODY OF PRESENTATION: tell what you told them you were going to to do. 3 pages Provides brief supporting literature for pay for performance. Describes core elements of the program to be implemented at the unit level (e.g. people, process, organization, technology). Develops a table that includes the tangible and intangible benefits and value (e.g. $$ dollars $$) of program: include categories of organization, staff, and patient. Discusses projected cost of program, risks to program, and any issues related to the program. Summarizes the impact program will have on organization. CONCLUSION Tell the audience what you just told them Synthesizes major points presented and relates these to the introduction. Cites implications and reiterates impact program will have. Less than one page APA style