GEOG 1110: Introduction to Human GeographyInstructor: Jenny FrancisFall 2019MEDIA (CORE CONCEPTS) ASSIGNMENT**DUE Oct 5 upload to D2L/Turnitin** [15% of final grade]For this assignment you will analyse a news article using concepts from Human Geography. You may choose any news media article (eg. a news item in a newspaper rather than a blog, editorial or opinion piece) that interests you as long as it was published after Sept 2, 2019. Choose an article that is approximately page – 1 page in length. See below for a list of possible sources.The assignment is to:a) Fully and accurately summarise the article (approx. 200 words, double-spaced), andb) Write 2 paragraphs (300 words each, double-spaced) connecting the article to two different geographic concepts selected from the list below.Summary: Begin by introducing the article to the reader who wrote it, published it, etc. it must be clear to the reader which article you are summarising. Then provide a full summary of the article.Analysis: Define the concepts early on. Provide as full and complete a definition as possible. Then use the definition to explain how the concept can aid in understanding the context you are analysing. Also explain how the information in the article illustrates the concepts. Track back and forth between the concept and the article to keep the connection tight and clear.Core ConceptsTo conduct your analysis, you must use two concepts from the following list.You may also use derivatives of these concepts, eg. place sense of place. In such cases, be sure to define both the core concept and the derivative.Note that some concepts include sub-concepts which will require consideration in your analysis, eg. Distribution density, concentration, pattern.Space,Distribution,Place,Anthropocentrism and/or Ecocentrism,Distance,Location,Diffusion,Culture,Region,Scale (of analysis, NOT map scale)