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Review relevant literature in relation to the prescribed research topic question presented below and produce a critical reflective research paper.

Review relevant literature in relation to the prescribed research topic question presented below and produce a critical reflective research paper. This task enables deeper enquiry and research on the part of the student and demonstrate Pacific consciousness.Penalties apply for late work without valid excuse outlining extenuating circumstances. The penalty is 5% deduction per day for the first 5 days after which, the paper will NOT be marked.Word Limit: 1500 wordsValue: This assessment is worth 25% towards your final mark.Please choose one of the topic questions below for your Critical Reflective Writing Paper:1) Using an example of a land resource in your region or in your community critically discuss current or future issues related to its exploitation/development and how these issues are perceived regionally or by members of the local community, including yourself.2) Using an example of an ocean resource in your region or in your community critically discuss current or future issues related to its exploitation/development and how these issues are perceived regionally or by members of the local community, including yourself.Here are some guiding questions for the topic you have selected for your CRWP1) What is the resource and where is it located?2) How is the resource being impacted by national or international interest groups?3) What are the potential benefits of this impact as advocated by these interest groups?4) Have people in the region or in your community been consulted?5) What is the local significance of the resource?6) How are people reacting to the current or future impact?7) Are local community members proposing alternative uses of the resource? If so, describe how these uses would benefit the local community.Submissions:Please submit the CRWP paper electronically through the Moodle drop-box. If your turntin rating is 20% and over, your paper is reviewed carefully for plagiarism. We will deduct 5 % for a turntin score between 21 -35 and 10 % for a score of 36-50. A turntin score over 50 is an automatic zero.Remember to write reflectively. Relate to the topic by incorporating a personal account or oral history.