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Select a community problem or issue. Construct an annotated bibliography based on the community issue or problem that you have selected.

Annotated Bibliography

To be Completed Using MLA Style

Select a community problem or issue. Construct an annotated bibliography based on the community issue or problem that you have selected.

For the purpose of this assignment assume you are gathering information for an essay directed at an audience with only a casual familiarity with your topic or issue.

Assignment Requirements:

Include at least SEVEN Citations in your bibliography of which at least one book, one periodical article and one website must be cited and annotated. You are required to annotate all SEVEN of the citations you use.
Cite the source in proper MLA format. The citations should be organized in alphabetical order by author.
Follow each citation with a brief annotation, approximately 3-5 sentences is good.
Your Annotation must include a brief summary of the source, an explanation of why the source is important to your research and a statement that relates to the credibility of the author. You need to do this for all citations
You may write in a casual style in the summary BUT be cognizant of good grammar.

Open the word processing program on your computer and create your Annotated Bibliography.

Once completed ATTACH the word document with your Annotated Bibliography into the assignment area.

Remember, if you are not using Microsoft Word, convert your document to a PDF following the instructions in the Welcome Unit.