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What are the authors main argument(s) and what are the theoretical frameworks they draw on to develop and support their analysis?

The teacher’s comment “Make sure that you are more specific and that you tie your reflective analysis to all the articles. Provide more context for your analysis so you can draw on specific quotes and/or provide more dates and names of activist or scholars in order to provide more support to your argument.” Your reflection (one paragraph/no more than 300 words) needs to show that you thoroughly read and reflected on the reading material and that you understand what the main arguments are. It should include the following: What are the authors main argument(s) and what are the theoretical frameworks they draw on to develop and support their analysis? What are the things that surprised you or puzzled you in the reading material? What do you agree or disagree with and why? How is this reading material relevant to other readings we discussed in class? How is it relevant to your research interests/project? In addition, you need to provide two questions that help us understand the reading material and think about it more critically.