Rodrigo Daz de Vivar, born c. 1043, earned enduring fame and the title Mio Cid, from Arabic sayyid, meaning My Lord. Your task will be to craft an essay with a minimum of 1600 words. Your essay must satisfactorily answer each of the following questions:
Who was the historical Cid?
How is the Cid portrayed in literature?
How is the Cid portrayed in cinema?
What are the key differences in your answers to the first three questions above? What explains these differences?
Why is El Cid historically significant?
Why is El Cid culturally significant?
What is the difference between historical and cultural significance?
Your answers must include supporting evidence from:
El Cid (1960) – the movie (1 copy on reserve in Greenwood Library) Note: It is a TWO-disc movie!
The Poem of the Cid
“The Purest Knight of All”Preview the document – the article by Jancovich
At least TWO additional scholarly sources
Your essay must also: