Technology/Critical Thinking/Writing Assignment: As a part of this course you will pick one of the major or minor religious traditions we study (I am doing my paper on the satanic temple, include any citations and the paper and citations in MLA format. This is NOT a simple recapitulation of the beliefs of this faith. What you are to do in the paper is to analyze the faith you choose to write on from these perspectives: (A.) Give an introductory paragraph that describes your own faith system. ( I am a nondenominational Christian) What is your source of authority for your belief system? Do you have any absolutes that you hold to be true? Does your position of faith/philosophy make you a better person and give you hope?(B.) Next, take the faith you have chosen to write on and approach it from the same perspectives. What are its sources of authority? What are the top three distinctive beliefs of the faith you have researched? Does it teach any absolute truths? Does it give its followers hope? If so, what might those hopes be? Is this faith viable in the modern world? ***Be aware that some of your writing will be based not just on your opinion (your opinion is not to be equated with FACT) but on serious analysis, historical and theological research, and the use of critical thinking skills.