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What business applications are best suited for this vendors offerings – and why?

The report shall be a formal report, seven to fifteen pages of text plus as required charts, schedules and attachments. The report SHALL NOT BE A COPY/PASTE of web material, but an analysis & extract summary of all of the relevant points and research findings with added references as needed. The report MUST conform to the following format, else loss of points will result: -10% for not following format, -10% for no executive report, -10% for copy/paste incidents, up to -70% for poor quality I) Topic Addressed by the Report: A brief original (no copy/paste) one paragraph description II) Work Performed and Approximate Number of Hours Invested.: One original paragraph. III) Executive Report: a 3-5 page original summary, as per the following format: a. Findings Overview: A summary of each of the ten required analysis as related to this cloud vendor. IV) Detailed Findings: (As applicable, e.g.: technical details, functional and technical differences or comparisons, approximate costs, benefits, implement time, etc.): As many pages as you wish, can have some copy/paste . V) Appendix: As applicable, charts, Illustrations, References, etc.: As many pages as you wish, can be copy/paste.

1 Type and description of all cloud services offered by the vendor:
a. Infrastructure (and Data) as a service: Capacity on demand, communications on demand, data backups and data access, etc.
b. Platform as a service, software development environment and tools for building applications and deploying them elsewhere or on the same cloud.
c. Software as a service: The traditional ASP (application service provider) whereby business applications are rented on a per seat basis by the customer and the application is run and maintained by the vendor on a cloud.
2 Minimum entry price and commitment of contract
3 Potential financial benefits (to a fictitious midsized company of $500MIil annual revenue with 500 employees, of which 100 would be using the service)- – i.e. how much money does the vendor claim that a company could save by using its services?
4 Potential time benefits, i.e. quicker time to implement, to modify, to train, etc.. i.e. how much quicker and more responsive than normal internal IT does the vendor claim a company could roll out its applications if at all?
5 Potential benefits due to unlimited capacity and flexibility of computing power.
6 Potential benefits due to the possibility of reduced elements of risk (i.e. where does this product or service reduce any risk for a company if at all?)
7 Potential benefits due to the possibility of increased business opportunities (i.e. where and how, if at all, does the use of this service allow the client company to better expand its markets and or better serve and lock in it s customers?).
8 Potential risks and downsides of using this service and/or product
9 Concluding corporate profile summary points, i.e.: a. What type of company or industry is best suited by this vendors offerings and why? b. What type of company or industry is least suited for this vendors offerings and why? c. What type of company or industry should not/never use this vendors offerings and why?
10 Concluding business application summary points, i.e.: a. What business applications are best suited for this vendors offerings – and why? b. What business applications are least suited for this vendors offering and why? c. What business applications should not/never use this vendors offering and why?