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What ought to be the proper role of Congress in Strategic Intelligence?

What ought to be the proper role of Congress in Strategic Intelligence? Is there a proper role in oversight of strategic intelligence activities, in ensuring that the policy expressed in budget and appropriations laws is being followed, in ensuring that the will of the people and the necessity of national security is being carried out properly by the executive branch of government? OR: Describe and explain the Church Committee hearings in the 1970s. What impact did it have on the U.S. Intelligence Community? If you choose this topic, here is one reference to consider: Schwarz, Frederick A. O. 2007. The Church Committee and a New Era of Intelligence Oversight. Intelligence and National Security 22 (2): 270-97. OR: Congressional investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election created significant issues and controversies. House and Senate investigations seemed to come to different conclusions. Develop and analyze the main issues with these investigations, what went wrong, and what can be done to improve such oversight activities of the IC in the future. Please follow the below requirements: General Requirements 1. Document Format. a. MS Word document b. One-inch (1) margins (double-spaced) c. Times New Roman Font d. Twelve (12) pitch 2. Citation Format: The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017 available online at: The Author-Date system is recommended. 3. Graphics are allowed and encouraged (but they dont count on length). 4. Students must (1) employ imaginative approaches to answer the question being asked; (2) display an impressive command of the subject matter beyond the immediately obvious; (3) demonstrate a high level of critical thinking and reflecting on current and world views, and genuine intellectual development; and (4) excel in explaining all major points using multiple examples from the course readings or individual research. Here is my outline: Research Paper Proposal Format-Due Week 3/Paper Due Week 7 Name: Willie Leatherwood Title: The Attack on Pearl Harbor: Could It Have Been Avoided? Course Objective Link: Your topic must be much narrower than these objectives. They just need to fall under one of these large subject areas. The topic of my paper is directly related to the CO below (Place an X): _______CO-1: Deconstruct the flow of intelligence to support strategic decision making at the White House, Congress, and the executive departments and agencies. ___X____CO-2: Assess the challenges and role facing strategic intelligence analysis and strategic counterintelligence. _______CO-3: Critique the elements, methods, processes, and capabilities of strategic covert action. CO-4: The role of congress is explored during your Mid-term Paper and should not be explored during this paper. _______CO-5: Differentiate the fundamental capabilities and limitations of strategic intelligence collection. Thesis Statement: The attack on Pearl Harbor to initiate the involvement of the United States in World War II was one of intelligence failure. In this essay we explore how it could have been avoided and if that was even possible. Outline: Main points you will discuss in your paper. 1. Introduction. The attack on Pearl Harbor to initiate the involvement of the United States in World War II was one of intelligence failure. In this essay we explore how it could have been avoided and if that was even possible. 2. Knowledge of Attack? a. Clues b. Crumbling Relations and Japanese Propaganda c. Joseph Grew 3. Precursors to the U.S.-Japan Conflict a. Tensions over interest in China b. Japans alliance with Italy and Germany c. US embargo on oil and iron ore in China 4. The Attack a. United States underestimating Japan b. President Roosevelt and Prince Konoye/embargo lift c. Possible other scenarios 5. Conclusion. Perhaps if the United States had heeded warnings coming from Japan, they could have gathered more intelligence and gauged the situation better to avoid an attack, or was it unavoidable? FIVE REFERENCES: Gillon, Steven M. Pearl Harbor FDR Leads the Nation into War New York: Basic Books, 2011. Clausen, Henry C., and Lee, Bruce. Pearl Harbor?: Final Judgement 1st ed. New York: Crown, 1992. Pearl Harbor. Cassell, 2009. Warner, Denis. Could Pearl Harbor Have Been Averted?: The New York Times, 1998. Zimm, Alan. Attack On Pearl Harbor: Strategy Combat, Myths, Deceptions. Casemate, 2011.