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Write a minimum two page reflection on what you learned in this session. The reflection must include a minimum of 4 Cited references (Review course outline/syllabus for specific requirements). The reflection will describe what was learned overall in the

Write a minimum two page reflection on what you learned in this session. The reflection must include a minimum of 4 Cited references (Review course outline/syllabus for specific requirements). The reflection will describe what was learned overall in the readings, lectures, and in discussions, and how that learning can be used to improve your teaching. Reflections are to be submitted once each week and must be typed using APA style. They will be graded using the Reflection Rubric. You must use the following headings on your paper: 1. Why is it important to understand the legal issues regarding assessment in special education? 2. Why is it important to understand the six components of assessment, e.g., Collection? 3. After completing all five sections of the IRIS Module: Classroom Assessment (Part 1), summarize how you will apply the knowledge of general education assessments to the students with whom you work/you will work, including considerations for assistive technology, English Learners, and transition. 4. On what do I need to focus and perhaps improve? 5. In what areas am I confused or need additional help?