Write an organized, fully developed essay based on ONE of the following topics. (Yes, you must write about one of these topics.)
1. You must have a thesis, of course, and support your points with specific examples, quotes, paraphrases, or summaries from the article/essay you are analyzing.
2. You must have at least one quote from it somewhere in your essay, but you will probably need more to support your points.
3. Your thesis must be an argumentative/analysis one. You are writing an analysis paper.
4. You must also use at least one other source (an article, not a book) from the HACC library’s databases to support your points.
5. You must cite those quotes, paraphrases or summaries correctly, using the MLA documentation style.
6. Include, also, a copy of the article(s) from the database(s) that you quoted, paraphrased or summarized from as support in your paper. (Paste into the bottom of your paper, after the works cited list, or upload it as a separate attachment in the Drop Box.)
7.Note: Wikipedia is not a valid academic resource! You may not use it! Actually, you may not use any Internet source for this paper other than the HACC library’s databases (which are, technically, accessed through the Internet) except to find a cartoon or ad for topics # 1 and 3..
1. Find an advertisement in some form of media that was published within the past 60 days. It can be in a newspaper, magazine, or online. Write an essay evaluating/analyzing the advertisement, arguing whether or not it is effective in getting across its message. You don’t have to agree with its message – you are not arguing the message or about the product. You are arguing whether or not it is effective in getting across its message and how and why. Note: You must include a copy of the ad or a link to it at the bottom of your essay or as an attachment in the Drop Box. I can’t grade this without seeing it.