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After watching the documentary several times, you will compose a rhetorical analysis on the film.

After watching the documentary several times, you will compose a rhetorical analysis on the film.

Characteristics of a Rhetorical Analysis

A successful rhetorical analysis will do the following:

Accurately describe the texts argument and main claim to provide context (i.e. determine rhetorical situation).
Assert a clear and specific claim (ones evaluation of the texts rhetorical effectiveness) early in the essayusually the last sentence of the introduction.
Consider both the texts strengths and its weaknesses.
Effectively deploy rhetorical vocabulary (ethos, pathos, logos) and knowledge into the analysis.
Provide specific examples of rhetorical strategies and explanation of HOW they work, giving careful consideration to the intended audience.
Effectively integrate quotations and concrete evidence from the text to support claims.
Reinforce the claim and assert the significance of the analysis in the conclusion.

The film is on Youtube called “Tapped”. Here is the link…