Paper should start out with a thesis or argument (in a first paragraph) that you prove in the second paragraph. The thesis should concern (1) what SASs generic strategy is and (2) whether there is or is not a match between SASs human resource policies and business strategy. The second paragraph should discuss a few of SASs HR policies, and the conclusion, the third paragraph, should clarify why you do or don’t think that there’s a match.
(1) Paragraph 1: What broad, generic business strategies (cost, differentiation or focus) in terms of Michael Porters framework is SAS pursuing? The thesis concerns whether the HR policies support the broad, generic business strategy.
(2) Paragraph 2: What are some of SASs HR policies as stated in the case (give a couple of examples)?
(3) Paragraph 3: Is there a match between the firms HR policies and business strategy?
Michael Porter, Competitive Strategy (excerpt).
Limit to one page, 3 paragraphs.