Analyze the case study School Shootings and Focus Group Research Narrative Analysis and Problem Definition on pages 251 through 259 of the textbook. Your case study analysis essay must address the following categories of questions/problems listed on pages 257-258: Conduct a Content Analysis of Problems Definition Critique the Facilitator Surveys and Focus Groups Symbols and Metaphors What Next? The paper should be a graduate level paper consisting of 1000 words. The paper must go beyond the obvious and have in-depth information. The paper must be scholarly written and must strictly follow the current American Psychological Association (APA) format and style of writing. The paper MUST BE PROPERLY CITED and include a COVER PAGE, ABSTRACT, DISCUSSION, and REFERENCES. The paper must include FIVE SCHOLARLY SOURCES/REFERENCES to support your position. Remember all scholarly sources/resources including, but not limited to, journals, magazines, and/or books must be properly cited using APA style. Make sure that the Abstract is 150 words per APA format and they include the reference page.