Analyze your classmates thread, identifying at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in his or her reasoning.
Distribution Robotics
The single most important issue here is the growing need for technical repair and routine maintenance on mechanical robotics systems. Mechanical robotics have been innovatively introduced into the manufacturing industry to reduce cost and provide continual productivity efforts. Historically, robot applications have been limited to the automotive and electronic sectors. During the past decade, however, growth in material processing orders indicates that the robotics industry is discovering new avenues, particularly in consumer goods such as food, beverage and pharmaceuticals (Kirgis, 2007). The mixed industry integration for robotics helps create an increased need for the robotic repair and maintenance technician. Whether robotics is utilized in manufacturing, food and beverage, or other productive supply organizations, robotics are creating a growing market for support and substantive efforts.
Potential Consequences
Robotic integration from manufacturers have created a sustainable method for consistency and efficiency in routine operations. This however has also created a need for technical and mechanical influence in the workplace. Robots have come a long way, they still require regular maintenance to ensure peak performance, maximizing productivity and return on investments (Elkins, 2019). A robot is assigned an obligation to which it must operate within a manufacturing task. A robot is at an unknown position in an environment for which it has a map. It looks about its position, and based on these observations, it must infer the place (or set of places) in the map where it could be located (Guibas, Motwani, & Raghavan, 2017). This process creates issues with contiguous and alternative efforts otherwise needed for maintenance and programming solutions. Not only is programming and data input an issue, additional mechanical maintenance provides opportunities through this approach.
Proposed Solution
Mechanical maintenance on robotic equipment provides an important part of the organizations support system. Providing solutions to support the integrity of robotics in the manufacturing industry can best be looked at through understanding needs and efficiencies of robotics. Linking robot adoptions to firm-level task measures finds that robots are more prevalent at firms where employees are commonly doing manual tasks, but not those that require routine or abstract tasks (Cheng et al., 2019). More simply stated, providing less responsibilities from robotics allows organizations to more effectively and strategically produce mechanical efforts to support the robotic strategy. Robotic technicians have a greater impact when providing maintenance to these mechanical devices rather than working on programming activities that require more training for less impactful results. Additionally, robot usage creates areas of focus for continued and maintained development for future growth and definable needs for mechanical support. The need for technicians and support systems for robotics grows with the increased capabilities.