create a Power Point Presentation, BUT I WANT TO DO A REGULAR PAPER, from Chapter 9 to 16 of the Textbook and the Article related to (Choose your desire topic form these chapters) EACH PAPER SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Title Page: Topic Name, Student Name 2. Introduction: Provide a brief synopsis of the meaning (not a description) of the topic you choose, in your own words 3. Content Body: Progress your theme, provide Material, illustrations and Diagram to explain, describe and clarify the Topic you choose. 4. Conclusion: Briefly summarize your thoughts & conclusion to your critique of the articles and Chapter you read. 5. References: The student must use other textbooks, research papers, and articles as references (minimum 3). TEXT BOOK: Marketing Your Clinical Practice : Ethically, Effectively, Economically 4th Edition – Jones & Bartlett Learning Neil Baum; Gretchen Henkel 978-0-7637-6983-3