Please carefully read the instructions first, lecture notes and reading uploaded. Use word, you can screen shot some important data and add some relevant pictures) DO NOT use external resources, please use APA 6th edition reference style for the total 12 references. The intext and overall references use can just copy and paste from Lecture slides and readings. Do NOT find other resources yourself. Simulation website is my team’s simulation number is F09B Team3 You can see the overall six rounds results. Sunrise is based on differentiation strategy mainly on low price, and also high productivity, better digital solution& industry expertise&project management than any other team. We are ranked top one on round 1&2&3&4, but ranked the second on round 5&6, mainly because of number of units produced is overproduced& underproduced, maybe have other problems please check the each report and define it) If you cant access, please contact me. For the framework, do NOT need to write the definition, just go straight to write the important aspects used in the simulation. For part 1, please write the question 1(framework is in reading topic What Is Strategy, framework is three aspects of STRATEGIC POSITIONING, TRADEOFF THEORY) and Question 4 (Q4 framework is Week2 lecture notes VALUE CHAIN, please use value chain framework to define and you need to design a Sunrise company value chain picture then specify). Please write all the framework I write in CAPITAL letter to answer the questions. For part 2, please write Q2 and Q3 ( both framework is Week5 read both lecture notes and reading named What Do Students Think About Group Work In Business Education, Q2 also have a DMAIC framework and PARKER’S TEAM STYLE FRAMEWORK and Q3 has TEAM DYSFUNCTION). Please write all the framework I write in CAPITAL letter to answer the questions. How to write each parts have clearly clarified, please, please read it then write. Moreover, the overall frameworks are provided. Lecture notes and readings are uploaded.