1. Define international and transnational crime and describe how they differ in nature? Give examples of each category. (2 points)
2. What is globalization and how it has resulted in the growth of transnational crimes? Give examples. (2 points)
3. Distinguish human trafficking and human smuggling. Give an example for each. (2 points).
4. Describe the different data sources for studying international and transnational crime. Briefly discuss the limitations of these data sources for studying international and transnational crime (2 points).
5. Read the article on bitcoins and money laundering and describe the money laundering process and discuss briefly the challenges in dealing with virtual currencies-
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jan/20/bitcoin-netherlands-arrests-cars-cash-ecstasy. (3 points)
6. From a criminological point of view, are terrorism and organized crime one and the same? How? Give 2 reasons. (3 points)
7. Choose two organized crime groups and describe their structure and functioning (operations) in undertaking transnational crime business. (4 points)