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Describe the findings so that a health professional who has NOT read the article can understand the findings Conclude with the overall message of the article Write using the 3rd person perspective.

Double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 margins Correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. Content Requirements: Click on this Example Paper to review the correct format for this paperPreview the document Find 5 peer-reviewed, academic journal articles that have been published in the last 3 years and relate to your public health topic. Cite each article in correct APA style format and provide a summary below each citation. Make sure that your citations are perfect! This includes all punctuation, capitalization, order or information, etc. You will lose points for each type of APA citation mistake you make. Summarize each articles findings Briefly state the main findings of the article Describe the findings so that a health professional who has NOT read the article can understand the findings Conclude with the overall message of the article Write using the 3rd person perspective.