1500words essay Discuss how anthropologists have critiqued the concept of the Mediterranean as a cultural category. Use ethnographic examples to illustrate your answer. Galt, S. 1985. Does the Mediterraneanist Dilemma have Straw Horns? American Ethnologist 12(2): 369-371. Gilmore, D. 1982. Anthropology of the Mediterranean Area. Annual Review of Anthropology 11: 175-205. Herzfeld, M. 1985b. Of horns and history: the Mediterraneanist dilemma again. American Ethnologist 12: 778-80. Knight, D. M. and C. Stewart. 2016. Ethnographies of Austerity: Crisis, Temporality and Affect in Southern Europe. History and Anthropology 27(1): 1-18. Pina-Cabral, J. 1989. The Mediterranean as Category of Comparison. Current Anthropology 30(3): 399-406.