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Discuss that the statement describes the Learning Support Center programs and services?

White discusses the differences between the missions and goals of various types of postsecondary institutions. We have also learned that the missions and goals of LACs should be consistent with and support those of the institutions that they serve. Based on your readings this week, please compare the mission and goals statements of two different types of institutions (i.e., four-year university vs community college, etc). Be certain to include the mission and goals statements of the institutions that you are discussing. Please apply what you have learned about mission and goals statements, as defined by Dr. William G. White, to your responses. These must be actual postsecondary institutions. How are these goals different? How are they similar? What specific strategies, programs, or services would you as a LAC administrator, utilize to help an institution reach its goals? Please Include: Critiquing a Learning Support Center Mission and Goal Statement(s)Mission statement critique: )Does the students critique:1. _____ Discuss that the purpose of the Learning Support Center is stated?2. _____ Discuss that the mission explains the relationships of the Learning Support to the mission and goals of the institution?3. _____ Discuss that the statement is consistent with the mission and goals of the institutions. _____ Discuss that the statement specifies the population that the program intends to serve?5. _____ Discuss that the statement describes the Learning Support Center programs and services? institution type? If so, how?