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Examine the outcomes of the decision in terms of immediate changes and their impact on other cases, if relevant.

Term Paper Topic: Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc. (1998)Term Paper StructureThe paper will consist of multiple distinct and individual sections which focus on your selected Supreme Court case.Cover Page – The top page of your submission should be the cover/title page of your paper. The cover page consists of the subject of your paper in the center, with your name and any other information you want to include in the bottom right. Feel free to include a title for your paper to give it some personality, but this is optional.Body of Essay – Each of the three sections should be clearly marked with a title as a new section. For example, Section I would be titled “Background” and Section III would be titled “Significance.” This is a very basic example, so feel free to get creative on titles, etc. The titles should be regular sized font, but centered, bolded, and/or underlined to make it clear. If Section I is two and a half pages, you should end the section there (mid-page), start a new page, and add the title at the top of the new page to indicate the beginning of Section II.Section I – This section should provide a short background of the case, including the circumstances of the initial arrest, incident, or challenge to established law. Include any information you feel is important for the reader to know in order to understand your subject. This section should be a minimum of one and a half pages in length.Section II – This section should explain the decision by the court. This will include the motivations for the decision as well as an explanation of the dissenting votes. If your case was decided on a unanimous vote, you would analyze the legal arguments presented by the losing side in the case. This section should be a minimum of one and a half pages in length.Section III. This section will analyze the significance of the case on civil liberties and should much more extensively researched than the first two sections (which are largely explanatory). Examine the outcomes of the decision in terms of immediate changes and their impact on other cases, if relevant. This section should be a minimum of two full pages in length.Works Cited – The final page of your paper is the works cited page. The works cited page should be on its own page and includes the full citation of the sources you have used in the paper in Chicago style. Please see the handout on citations and Chicago formatting.