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Explain the theoretical and practical connections between leadership and intercultural competence

My goal is for you to be able to articulate how you will invest in being a leader who is interculturally competent. This paper will challenge you to move through thinking about consciousness of self, other, and context (EIL model) as you consider what it means to you to be an interculturally competent leader. In this assignment, you are essentially creating a “new person” and then thinking through how you would lead this person. Specifically, what knowledge, skills, and awareness would you need to be an effective interculturally competent leader to this person. This assignment is a combination of a research paper as well as a reflective paper, so you will have to ensure that you strike a balance. Here are some more directives. Note , you must meaningfully use course concepts in your paper. It should be clear that you have been a part of this class. 1. I am going to give you a *table with a list of identifiers that relate to age, race, nationality, etc. You are going to pick 4 identifiers from the list (all have to be from separate categories), and you are going to research what life might be like for this person. *This is already available in D2L in the “Assignments & Rubrics” folder. 2. In your paper, you will present your research findings about your new person, then you will discuss the knowledge, skills, and awareness you will need to effectively lead this person. Additionally, you will also need to discuss any similarities or differences you might have with this person. 3. You will then discuss how you are currently prepared, and where you will need to do additional work to prepare yourself to be an effective interculturally competent leader. Leadership & Intercultural Competence Final Paper Learning Outcomes This assignment is associated with the following learning outcomes: 2. Explain the theoretical and practical connections between leadership and intercultural competence 3. Explore the impact of cultural contexts on leadership identity 4. Propose effective qualities and characteristics of interculturally competent leadership 5. Examine issues and challenges related to leadership and intercultural competence 6. Demonstrate critical thinking related to leadership and intercultural competence via identification, application, discussion, and analysis of concepts Due Date October 7, 11:59PM Value 20 points. A grading rubric is available in the “Assignments and Rubrics” folder in the D2L Content area. Submission Papers will be submitted in the “Assignments” folder in D2L. No email attachments will be accepted. If you want extensive written comments, submit your paper as a hard copy to me. You will be responsible for retrieving it. Submitting in D2L means you understand I will provide feedback via the grading rubric only. Note: I am unable to read papers before submission. I am happy answer specific questions and we can schedule an appointment. Leadership & Intercultural Competence Final Paper Make sure you follow these additional instructions. 1. Your paper must be no more than 5 pages of actual content, and must address all parts of the prompt in a manner that demonstrates skill in connecting ideas. You will also have a reference page. 2. Use 12 point Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri font, with double space, and 1- inch margins. Your name and the class section and semester must be on the top left hand corner of the first page of text. You do not need a separate title page. 3. Your paper must also skillfully, explicitly, and meaningfully integrate the concepts we have learned thus far and demonstrate integrative thinking. It must be clear you have been in this class. You must use APA format for your reference page and in-text citations. 4. Your paper must be well-written, with little to no mechanical errors (i.e.grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.) Do not use contractions (e.g. I cannot versus I can’t). Spell out the full word. Avoid “text-speak” and write formally. 5. This is not a speech, therefore it must not read like a speech and contain identifiers such as “you, we, our, us, your,” etc. Speak for yourself and do not make generalizations. 6. Use the show and tell method. For any point, claim, or assertion you make, have evidence to support your perspective.