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Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Create an educational program, event, or piece of literature (for example a phamphlet) that incorporates best practices in health promotion and disease prevention for a diverse population. Then, explain how you developed your educational program, event, or piece of literature and address any barriers to disease prevention and health promotion for the population. Part I To prepare the first part of the assessment, complete the following: (1) review the literature or use health assessments to determine health care needs of a diverse population in your community; (2) explore things that could influence success, such as cultural attitudes toward altrnative forms of healing, religious beliefs, or other individuals; (3) examine the impact of current health promotion and wellness initiatives on health outcomes and health disparities; (4) review the literature to identify best practices. Once you have identified a diverse population, develop and education program, event or piece of literature that promotes wellness and disease prevention. If you choose an educational program, outline the basic content of the program or event, as well as, how you would structure it. If you choose a piece of literature, be deliberate in the points you highlight. Be sure that your choice is appropriate for the population. For and educational program or event, prepare and submit an outline of the content and structure. For a brochure or pamphlet, prepare and submit the brochure or pamphlet using a simple Word document or a Microsoft Publisher document, if the software is available. Part II Explain how you developed your educational program, event, or piece of literature and address any barriers to disease prevention and health promotion for the population. Complete the following: (1) explain why you chose your particular educational strategy; why is it an effective strategy for the population?; (2) describe cultural barriers to disease prvention and health promotion in the population. This migh include things such as CAM, language religious beliefs, and so on; (3) explain how your duecational stragey can help overcome soe of the barriers you described; (4) support your work with valid scholary resouces. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS PART II ONLY – Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use APA format – References – cite at least three current scholarly or professional resources – Font – use double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman Format (no specific number of pages is provided for this assessment