Directions. Write a paper of three to four pages in length on one of topics listed below. The purpose of this paper is to enable you to discuss the sources for ancient history critically, intelligently, sensibly and concisely. Do not waste your time merely summarizing the contents of your sources; instead, you should consider the plausibility of the various accounts, the discrepancies between them and, in particular, the problems and issues they raise. Your grade will be based on the overall effectiveness of your argument, which includes the content as well as the style and clarity of your writing. Be sure to have a thesis that directly addresses the topic you select and to state that thesis clearly at the outset of your paper. For every point you make, you need to support it with examples from the primary (i.e. ancient) source/s. You should cite quotations parenthetically. For example, when citing a passage from Thucydides, Book 3, chapter 82, cite as follows: Thucydides noted that “war is a stern teacher” (Thuc. 3.82). Note that for ancient (primary) texts, you do not cite page numbers, which differ depending upon the edition used, but chapter, section, and, when available, line numbers. For plays, cite the appropriate line numbers in the translation you are using. If citing Homer, cite the title, book, and line numbers. Be sure to avoid any unnecessary quotation of texts, avoid very long quotations or using too many quotations, or including too much historical narrative. You can give some narrative but you want to have more analysis than narrative.
You are free to write about any relevant and historical topic of your choice but I must approve the topic in advance, if you choose not to write on one of those given below. Papers written on topics not approved in advance by me will not be read and will earn a zero. For most topics, you need to consult only the relevant ancient authors. I have indicated below the main ancient sources you will need to read for each question. Please note that these primary sources may come from our assigned texts or from other ancient sources. You may also consult secondary (modern) sources, but I would caution you against using the internet, which can be quite unreliable. Obviously, if you choose to write about a topic in Herodotus or Homer, you may need to read the whole text before tackling the topic.
Your paper should have a short, informative title that reflects your thesis (i.e. not too vague) and include a brief introduction, containing your thesis statement, that is, what you will attempt to argue. Note: you must have a thesis statementtell the reader near the beginning what the paper will argue. No cover page is necessary. Include a bibliography. Do not use the first person (I think that Avoid the use of contractions. Please write with clarity and brevity in individual sentences and discernible organization in the paper as a whole.
Some readers of Herodotus have found him, now and then, apparently rather gullible; he has even been called the Father of Lies. To what extent would you agree with, or modify, this impression? Discuss and analyze specific instances from your reading where his reliability and his accuracy should be evaluated.