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How have structural changes created uncertainty and what is the outlook for profitability in the future?

To prepare for this assignment, review Figures 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.5 from your textbook. Select a Middle Eastern company of your choosing and complete an Industry Analysis by answering the following questions:

1. Analyze and predict industry profitability:
a. How have structural changes created uncertainty and what is the outlook for profitability in the future?
b. Apply and detail Porters 5 forces framework with a graphic representation (Figure 3.3) and written explanation for your selected company.
c. Explain profitability differences to other industries (Chapter 3, Table 3.1) and then predict future profitably.

2. Drawing industry boundaries:
a. What industry is it in?
b. Who is competing with whom?
c. Are the boundaries of the industry clear-cut?

3. Implications for strategy:
a. What strategies can companies adopt to reduce competitive pressure and improve industry
b. Which strategies might work for your organization?

4. Identifying Key Success Factors (KSFs):
a. What are the KSFs of your company?
b. How do customers choose between rival offerings?
c. Examine the competition (Figure 3.6).
d. Have your companies KSFs changed over time?