Today, we work in an environment of unprecedented diversity. While this can be challenging, learning to respect, value, and work effectively within this diversity is not only essential but also highly rewarding. This week, however, we are directing our attention to the differences of gender diversity. This is in no way to stereotype genders, however, there is a vast amount of research showing that fundamentally men and women communicated differently. There are great strengths in both approaches. There are also weaknesses. We need to value, include, and learn to collaborate using both approaches. Search the internet for scholarly studies and sources regarding gender communication. Please avoid pop psychology such as men are from Mars, women are from Venus type of material. Assignment #1 (1.5 pages), APA, 2 references: Please write 1.5 pages ONLY about how men communicate. What are the essential characteristics? What are the strengths of this collaborative/communication style? What are the weaknesses? How would only an understanding of only a male perspective negatively impact a collaborative venture? What did you learn, that you didnt know that changes the way you view this topic? If you have a real life example, please feel free to share. Assignment #2 (1.5 pages), APA, 2 references Second part (1.5 pages) ONLY write about how WOMEN communicate. What are the essential characteristics? What are the strengths of this collaborative/communication style? What are the weaknesses? How would only an understanding of only a female perspective negatively impact a collaborative venture? What did you learn, that you didnt know that changes the way you view this topic? If you have a real life example, please feel free to share. A minimum of two (2) professional references must be used to support your statements independently for MEN and WOMEN . This is not only a personal experience or opinion posting. There is a great deal of research on these topics in the scholarly literature.