For this assignment, you will perform a close reading on one of the essays we have read so far in class. In essence, a close reading is precisely what it sounds like: closely read a short passage from a text, paying attention to the most striking and interesting details: rhetorical features, structural elements, cultural and historical references, metaphors and other figurative language, or references to identity and subject position. More importantly, rather than pointing out these details, you are reading with the aim of saying something about the text and the world it comes from! Close reading is a tool of academic analysis, but also of expression. With this in mind, after you have identified what you want to analyse, then you have to interpret it and tell your reader why it is important. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the assignment: 1.) Read with a pencil in hand, and annotate the text. (Annotating, means underlining or highlighting key words and phrasesanything that strikes you as surprising or significant, or that raises questionsas well as making notes in the margins. When we respond to a text in this way, we not only force ourselves to pay close attention, but we also begin to think with the author about the evidencethe first step in moving from reader to writer.) 2.) Look for patterns in the things you've noticed about the textrepetitions, contradictions, similarities. 3.) Ask questions about the patterns you've noticedespecially how was this written and why. 4.) Pick a compelling cluster of elements that you observed in the passage that form a pattern and write a short essay about them and why they matter. Remember that your essay must contain a persuasive thesis claim that it develops and supports through analysis of evidence from the text. The final draft must be between 1100 and 1350 words (4-5 pages) and is due Friday September 20 th by 11:59pm. Goals: Identify a problem or question worth addressing. Formulate a thesis claim that makes a strong, insightful (i.e. not obvious) argument. Establish a motive for the essay in your introduction. Here you will answer the So What? question, suggesting why your essay is important and interesting to an intelligent reader. Draw out the implications of the argument in your conclusion. Structure the essay around your central claim, making sure that each paragraph is adding an essential piece to your argument. Use evidence persuasively, quoting and analyzing the text when necessary, summarizing or paraphrasing accurately and responsibly when appropriate. Do not provide evidence from other sources or make general assertions. Adhere to all relevant MLA formatting guidelines.