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Informative Briefing – The Study of Gerontology

For this assignment, you will prepare a speech called an Informative Briefing (3 to 4 minutes) on a topic that you are currently working on or are familiar with. Remember to keep it informative: Just tell us the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your topic. Do not try to convince us to do anything about your topic. If you do not have a topic that is appropriate to share, you can pick any current events topic for your briefing. This topic will also be the basis for your Persuasive Speech in Week 8, so you are encouraged to pick a topic that you are interested in and about which you have an opinion. You will need to incorporate 2 outside sources that support your speech and incorporate those as oral footnotes (sources stated during the speech that support what you are saying). You actually hear these on news broadcasts all the time (“As reported by ABC123 News…” or “As Dr. XYZ from NIH explained…”) – by incorporating them into your briefing you give yourself added credibility for the briefing you are presenting. ****** Speech Topic & References Attached to Order *******