wants thinking of this quotation, The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line-the relation of the darker to the lighter races of men in Asia, Africa, in America, and the islands of the sea. -DuBois. (1903). Souls of Black Folk. In your own words, explain how relevant/irrelevant this quotation is now in the 21st century, is it still a problem, state why and why not. Also, Go to online sources and search for the article, White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. These are the elements of critiquing an article (the chosen one, White Privilege), what it says, what it doesnt say, what you think it should day, and conclusion/summary/personal thoughts. Additionally, identify a connection between the quotation from Souls of Black Folk and the article White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack and discuss it. Finally, compare and contrast caste and class system(s), do you think race acts as a caste system in United States, identify the intersection of race and class, and discuss the implications of it. Lesson objectives: 1. Think critically about race globally; 2. To connect how the different races, nationalities, ethnicities of people share a common issue. 3. Understand how to properly critique an article; 4. Identify white privilege and have an understanding of it; 5. Learn how to reference an article; 6. Research a topic related article; 7. Be able to make a connection between racism and privilege and understand how they are related.