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Law and Economics

Assignment The individual essay will relate to the event chosen by the group for their presentation. Students in their individual essays need to provide a full analysis (legal and economic) of the event/case chosen, and not only the part they presented with their group the day of their presentation. Finally, and importantly, students are reminded that the course in Law & Economics as a whole (seminars, assignments and exams) is a Level 3 course. This means that written assignments will also be assessed on Level 3. Each essay needs to have at least an introduction, clearly indicated subparts and a conclusion. Students are not only expected to introduce economic principles or theories, but also to implement the theories to the case at hand. All sources used and implemented need to be referred to in dedicated footnotes, respecting the OSCOLA format. The competences which will be particularly tested for the assignments are legal analysis and regulating. -Header with student name date and legal product title (Assignment number) Maximum 1850 words; TNR12 or Arial 10, single-lined. Structure of the essay Header Introduction The introduction should consist of brief summary of the 2011 Gleison Colliery inrush incident couple with an explanation on how the analysis will follow and purpose of the analysis. Analysis of legal framework Analysis of legal framework before – The Health and safety at work Act 1974 – The Management and Administration of safety and Health at Mines Regulation 1993 – The mines Precautions Against inrushes Regulations 1979 Use positive and normative evaluation to analyze the laws, Explain the law, the aims and whether the law was effect. Normative evaluation proposes ways to make the law effective/efficient. Analysis of the legal framework after – Mines Regulation 2014 – Please search if there were other new Regulations Explain the new mines legal framework, its aims, compare it to the previous regulations and state whether the law is effective and why do you think the law is effective. Economic Analysis Explain what Economic analysis does, (In order to make the economy efficient economic analysis is needed. Explain why this applies to Gleison Accident. Two Economic principle: Two economic principles apply in Gleison incident are as follow; – Pareto efficiency Explain the principle, why does this apply to the Gleison incident and the result it produces when used in Gleison incident. – Kaldor -Hicks Efficiency Explain the principle, why does this apply to the Gleison incident and the result it produces when used in Gleison incident. Explain the three qualifications of Kaldor principles and reflect it on the Todays Mine industry in the UK. Three qualification of Kaldor – The second best – Please the last two – Coase Theorem Explain the Coase Theorem principle, and state whether this principle best suit to use in marking the law effective by taking into account all the externalities, cost and benefit. Statistic The number of mines accidents before the Legal framework and After the Law has been improved. Conclusion The conclusion should cover both legal and economic analysis, mention how the new Mines law have impacted the economy, state whether the mines accident has reduced in UK since the new framework is place. Tips – Please follow the structure when writing the essay. Use the headings and subheadings to ensure clarity and coherence. – Read the 2011 Gleison Colliery mines incident occurred in the UK Swansea Valley to grape the understanding of the topic. – Use Positive study and normative evaluation to determine the loopholes in the law and propose ways to make the law efficient/effective. – Apply the economic principles to the Gleison Incident to determine the best outcome. – Draw comparison between the law in place at the time of the event and after the event to determine the effectiveness in today mines industry by using statistics. – Conclusion should emphasis on the loopholes in the law before, the changes that current legal framework has brought the society and the economy, etc. Additional information – No copy and paste from materials submitted, from Internet etc to prevent plagiarism. – All sources must be footnote and cited in Oxford style (OSCOLA) – Strict maximum word limit 1850 should not be exceeded excluding the bibliography.