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Locate acontemporaryartist, designeror organization that is doing work related to this issueand find another sourceontheir work.

Finding Your PeopleReading: How to Make Research-Driven Art, The Creative IndependentProject: Find good sources on an issue/idea you care about+ contemporary artist/designer/group workingin a discipline you are interested in.Goal: To collect information about a topic that is important to you To identify other people in your field who are working on this as well, and who share your concerns up on Canvas:Thursday, September 19thby 11:00 am. Upload as Word doc or docx.Examplesbody image + paintingecology + sculpturesustainability + graphicdesigndigital technology + ceramicsgender identity + animationhuman rights + photographyimmigration + art historysupreme court+ drawing1.Find onesubstantialsource(full text article, book chapter, video)for the issue/ideathat expands what you currently know about this topic.2.Locate acontemporaryartist, designeror organization that is doing work related to this issueand find another sourceontheir work. 3.Write a 300 word synopsis of your research. What information did you find that is new to you? Describe how the artist/designer/organization is making work related to theissueyou have chosen. How could thisinformationinfluence your future work?4.List Works Cited at the end of your synopsis(APA style).Citations should always include:Who:Author of contentWhen:Date content was publishedWhat:Title of contentWhere:Publication information. This can be ajournal, a website, a video or documentary,or a book.