It is not a research paper.( 4000 words excluding references) Assessment task You will be provided with a client brief and supporting materials from which you will need to develop a media relations campaign strategy. This will be written in report format, and will need to include the following information: Executive Summary Background Situational Analysis Message Strategy Relevant Media Use and Liaison Stakeholders and Spokespeople Timeline and Approval Process Potential Risks and Issues Resources, Budget and Impact Evaluation The media relations campaign strategy document should be structured according to the above section headings. You will need to consider this a professional document, written as though you are a media relations practitioner pitching your ideas to the client to secure their business. Assessment criteria: Application of knowledge of media relations theory and practice. Proposes an appropriate and achievable media relations campaign strategy, based on the client brief and supporting materials. Demonstrates evidence of research and creativity and offers a convincing rationale with strategic objectives and measurable outcomes. Prepared to a professional standard, including appropriate structure, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and clarity of written expression. Support material of RISE UP: