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Modern Humans are African

This is your 1st Blog so do the best you can. Students should use the Moodle readings, PowerPoints, Videos, etc. before going to outside sources. Scholars regarding Human Evolution Out of Africa state “From this perspective, all modern Humans are really Africans—even if we are not all black.” (Even Neanderthals came out of Africa originally ) Indeed, more and more scholars are questioning whether there is really any biological basis for what was dubbed “race.” Please react to the above commentary. Also why would some people even today resist, be uncomfortable, or not be aware of the idea that Africans developed civilizations, advanced societies, and viable cultural groupings ? If we have scientific information and visual evidence that points to Africa being the place where civilizations once thrived and all human beings began, then why would even some educated people who rely on science & technology every day mistakenly believe that Africans had no history or did not contribute to world development? Discuss how could such misconceptions still occur in modern times? ( 900 college words at least are needed to answer this ; 1 page equals 325 College words