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Provide a historical overview of the company, outlining its goals, mission, and the products, goods, or services it provides specific to its position in the industry.

The purpose of the final project is to create a corporate strategy for implementing sustainability in a publicly traded corporation, in particular, identifying the legal and ethical challenges a corporation would face in transitioning to a triple-bottom-line approach, sustainable business practices that would positively impact society, goals that would align the corporate mission to a sustainable strategy, and communication strategies that would engage all stakeholders in the transformation. This supports developing an understanding of best practices for creating business opportunities that are sustainable and positively impact publicly traded corporations and society while analyzing characteristics of leaders in publicly traded corporations who have successfully implemented sustainability strategies and promoted social awareness. The final deliverable for this assessment is a project report that includes an analysis of a publicly traded organizations business practices and recommendations for sustainability based on your analysis of your chosen bottom-line company and two triple-bottom-line companies. This project is divided into three milestones and the final submission. The milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Six. The final deliverable is submitted in Module Seven. Prompt Create a recommended strategy to transform the bottom line corporation, which you select and the instructor approves for your project, to triple bottom line management. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Company Overview Select a publicly traded organization that you will use to conduct your project report. a) Provide a historical overview of the company, outlining its goals, mission, and the products, goods, or services it provides specific to its position in the industry. b) What key geopolitical, historical, economic, cultural, or technological issues or themes have influenced the corporations management strategy? This is where you will identify and describe issues and themes that have influenced the company. These will be important for you to consider when moving into the Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility and Management section. II. Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility and Management Research the various aspects of corporate social responsibility and triple-bottom-line management that the company would need to know to pursue sustainable initiatives. a) Why would corporate social responsibility be important to this company? What are the social trends driving triple-bottom-line management for this company? b) Describe the bottom-line management processes for this company. How does the company increase its net earnings and reduce associated costs? c) What are the primary differences between bottom-line management and triple-bottom-line management for this company? d) What legal challenges might this company face when pursuing sustainable initiatives that will impact corporate social responsibility and triplebottom-line management? III. Analysis Sustainable Businesses and Leaders Research the aspects listed below. Select two companies that have leaders with a proven track record in social responsibility and triple-bottom-line management as the basis for this analysis. The purpose of this analysis is to identify factors that could be used to develop recommendations for your selected company surrounding sustainable initiatives and triple-bottom-line management. a) Identify the corporate social responsibility strategies of your publicly traded corporations. Describe key aspects of how these strategies address corporate citizenship, globalization, and sustainability. b) What are the common characteristics of innovative and measurable goals among these companies in driving a sustainable business strategy? For example, this is where you would address key aspects of pollution prevention, energy efficiency, renewable energy, carbon emissions, and/or lifecycle management that are commonalities among these companies. c) What types of sustainable business practices do socially responsible corporations employ? Provide examples to qualify your response. d) What social competencies and practices of executive leaders in a socially responsible company would be critical to implementing a triplebottom-line approach? This is where you would address whether their long-term view, communication skills, value system, and personal influence foster shared moral purpose and vision. For example, CEOs such as John T. Chambers of Cisco began as a wireman in the company and worked his way up the chain. Consider what types of social competencies and practices he employed to be successful. e) What ethical challenges do leaders in socially responsible corporations face in leading transformation in those organizations? f) What are common practices for sustainability reporting and accountability among the companies you selected? Go beyond a basic description their reporting and accountability practices by assessing how those practices are common across the companies. IV. Recommendations Create corporate strategy for implementing sustainability in this publicly traded corporation that is currently using bottom-line management that could transform it to triple-bottom-line management. Your recommendations should be specifically crafted for the executive leadership team for this organization. a) Analyze the potential legal and ethical challenges that your selected corporation faces in its domain/industry when implementing sustainable business practices. This is where you will describe how sustainable business practices both internal and external can impact the bottom line for the short-term and long-term financial strategy of the company. b) Which sustainable business practices should your selected corporation employ in positively impacting society? Why? c) What measurable goals align the corporate mission to a sustainable strategy? In order to cover this comprehensively, you should address at least three goals your chosen corporation strives for. d) What communication strategies will you use to engage the employees, stakeholders, and shareholders to promote the transformation to triplebottom-line management? Milestones Milestone One: Company Overview In Module One, you will submit a bottom-line company for instructor approval. This submission is required, but not graded separately. In Module Two, you will complete Milestone One based on the publicly traded company the instructor approved for you to use for your final project report. Provide a historical overview of the company and identify the key geopolitical, historical, economic, cultural, or technological issues or themes that have influenced the corporations management strategy. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Corporate Social Responsibility and Management In Module Four, you will research the various aspects of corporate social responsibility and triple-bottom-line management that your company would need to know to pursue sustainable initiatives, and answer the questions for this milestone submission. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Triple-Bottom-Line Companies In Module Three, you will identify two triple-bottom-line companies that you will use for Milestone Three. This submission is required, but not graded separately. In Module Six, you will analyze the following factors used by your two triple-bottom-line companies to identify best practices that your bottom-line management company should adopt to successfully transition to a triple-bottom-line approach. ? Social responsibility strategies for publicly traded corporations ? Goals ? Business practices ? Social competencies of leaders ? Ethical challenges ? Reporting and accountability practices This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Final Submission: Project Report In Module Seven, you will submit your revised Milestones One, Two, and Three, and combine them with your recommendations for corporate strategy. This submission is graded with the Final Project Rubric. Deliverables Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading 1 Company Overview Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric 2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Management Four Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric 3 Triple-Bottom-Line Companies Six Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Project Report Seven Graded separately; Final Project Rubric Format The final project should use the following format: ? Double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins ? Page numbers on all pages, including the cover page ? Use of APA format for all elements ? The project report should be a minimum of 8 pages, not including references Please note that a running header is not required. The final project should be organized as follows, using these section heads: ? Cover page: APA format cover page ? Section I. Introduction: In your own words, brief the reader on the contents of your final project in one paragraph. ? Section II. Milestone One (revised based upon instructor feedback) ? Section III. Milestone Two (revised based upon instructor feedback) ? Section IV. Milestone Three (revised based upon instructor feedback) ? Section V. Recommendations (your new content) ? Section VI. Summary: In your own words, summarize the paper for the reader in one to two paragraphs. You may, for example, provide the reader your personal perspective of the triple bottom line and its impact on publicly traded corporations today and in the future. ? Reference page: Reference page using APA 6th edition format